I am calling the app "axr," short for "Android XBMC Remote control." I'm hoping this project will ultimately result in a simple app which is able to act as a remote control for XBMC by hitting its web services (or however the heck you do that, I'm hoping I can start with very straightforward HTTP calls hooked up to simple buttons).
The purpose of this project is really not so much to develop an awesome remote so much as it is to learn how to code a Scala application for Android. I'm hoping to use simple-build-tool for building it, because sbt looks awesome and there's already a good Android plugin which builds apk files from it.
I am a big fan of XBMC, though, and I'll use the app myself, if only because the notion of all the complex layers of software and network transport that need to be traversed in order for a single command to reach the moving image on my TV from an android app rather tickles me, especially compared to the situation with an old TV and an IR remote.
The source for axr is available, of course, on bitbucket. It currently consists of little besides a skeleton hello, world project which can be built and installed by sbt. Note that in order to build this on Windows, you'll presently* need to download my forked copy of the sbt Android plugin (on github, sorry) and then run
sbt publish-local
in its top-level folder so you wind up with the changes in your local sbt's Ivy repository. (In fact, I haven't built it on anything else, so that might be the only way it works.) Once that's done, and you've set up an emulator as described towards the bottom of this Google page, you should be able to install and run it by running
sbt install-emulator
(while there's an emulator running, obviously).* UPDATE: these changes have been merged in jberkel's repository, so there's no need to use my fork.
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